Annual Dues

Go here to pay your dues online

Click here to download the 2023-2024 dues form

The following full membership categories allow participation in all club leagues and intraclub bonspiels, and entry into USCA playdowns as an MCC member.

League Curler:
(a regular curler; a curler not qualifying for any other membership listed below)
Junior League Curler:
(League curler 21 years of age or less by June 30th of the year the season starts)

The following member categories are considered limited memberships. These memberships only allow access to the ice as specified. These members are not eligible for other league play or intraclub bonspiels, and cannot enter USCA playdowns as MCC members.

Senior League:
(Thursday daytime curling only, 55+ years old)
Junior Curler:
(Sunday junior curling only)
(Practice ice privileges, no league play)
(Access to clubhouse, no access to ice)

Family Discount
Something new for this season, we are trying to help lessen the load on family households with 3 or more curlers by offering a 10% discount of their total dues (does not apply to add-ons like beer fees, lockers, etc). This would go into effect in situations where both parents and at least 1 child are members or for one parent and 2 or more children.

If you are paying online, this discount will be calculated automatically at checkout. If you are paying by cash or check using the dues form, please pay the full amount of dues and we will calculate a reimbursement for you.